What we've been reading in November (2019)
Starting this month, we will be sharing with you what we have been reading at the end of each month. This will include blog posts, videos, tools, and libraries that we found insightful or useful.
In the future we hope to add job postings and highlights from community.interrupt.com.
We hope you’ll enjoy these links, and look forward to hearing your feedback in the comments.
- How to Optimize Code and RAM Size by Erich Styger - A step-by-step tutorial on how to slim down default projects to save RAM and code space. Focused on the Eclipse IDE.
- Exploring Startup Implementations: Newlib ARM by Phillip Johnston - A great complement to our zero-to-main articles. Phillip walks us through init code included in Newlib.
- Pwn the ESP32 Forever: Flash Encryption and Sec. Boot Keys Extraction by LimitedResults - A demonstration of secret extraction on ESP32 using voltage glitching.
- Revving up for Edge Computing by Ed Sperling - Edge computing is reshaping the embedded landscape. A high level piece that highlight some interesting trends.
- Preserving debugging breadcrumbs across reboots in Cortex-M by m0agx - A tutorial on how to store debug information across device reboots.
- A maturity test for firmware organizations
- How I ended up writing a new real-time kernel by Dmitry Frank - an in-depth tutorial on how to implement an RTOS.
- Porting Go to Microcontrollers by Michał Derkacz - if Python and Javascript are coming to embedded, why not Go? If GC pauses don’t scare you, take a look at this tutorial on running go on embedded.
- Uptime 15,364 days - The Computers of Voyager by Aaron Cummings
- CppCon 2018: “The Bits Between the Bits: How We Get to main()” by Matt Godbolt
- LPC2019 - KUnit - Unit Testing for the Linux Kernel
Tools & Libraries
- GDB Dashboard - Modular visual interface for GDB in Python
- Embedded Graphics - Graphics library for embedded applications
- Hippomocks - Single-header mocking framework.